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This page was designed by me and one of my best friends Corey.

Welcome! - This forum was designed for everyone who loves and enjoys reading.  Please feel free to write and to discuss. Please be courteous, be sweet, and be creative. If you have any questions or comments regarding this garden, please contact me. Thank you!!!!!! 
Xin cha`o ca’c ba.n, –Da^y la` nhu*~ng truye^.n nga(‘n ma` Nga u*a thi’ch nha^’t.  Va` cu~ng do Nga sa’ng ta’c.  Ca’m o*n ca’c ba.n –da~ bo? chu’t tho*`i gian va`o –da^y visit trang Truye^.n Nga(‘n Garden na`y.  Ne^’u ca’c ba.n co’ nhu*~ng y’ kie^’n na`o hay hoa(.c ca'c ba.n muo^'n post truye^.n ca'c ba.n le^n -da^y, ca’c ba.n co’ the^? email -de^'n Nga.

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